Verify an applicant’s current employment, including total time with employer, start date, job title, and more.
Verify an applicant’s employment history and income with data including total time with employer, job title, gross income, pay frequency, and more. Income from previous years may be requested.
Our best-in-class security provides the highest quality of data protection by incorporating risk-based authentication, data encryption and custom access settings to empower businesses and consumers with information they can trust.
All verifiers go through a credentialing process. Each requested verification requires employee consent and all verifiers must have a permissible purpose to retrieve a verification of employment and income.
Employment records are available instantly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so employees can apply for credit or benefits on their timeline. All verifications are handled in house, meaning there are no outsourced providers between the information verifiers need and the data employers provide.
WHAT CLIENTS SAY The Equifax team was very proactive and innovative in defining a solution for our manual VOE needs. They took the time to understand our needs and then they launched a well-designed and executed plan with no surprises.
The Equifax team was very proactive and innovative in defining a solution for our manual VOE needs. They took the time to understand our needs and then they launched a well-designed and executed plan with no surprises.